ID #: System generated number unique to every method.
Code: Text name unique to each method. With user- defined, custom shipping methods, this field is defined at the method is created.
Name: The name of the shipping method that will be visible in the shopping cart.
Status: Indicates whether a shipping method is available for use or disabled.
To delete a shipping method, click on the "delete" text link next to the method.
To activate or deactivate a method, click on the applicable text link located next to the status indicator.
To make changes to a shipping method, click on the name of the method.
To add a shipping rule, click on the "Add Shipping Rule" text link located in the upper left-hand side of the administration page.
Enter the name of the shipping method to display in the field provided next to "Name".
Click on any listed shipping method to add the method for use. The page will refresh with the rule added. Continue to select as many shipping methods as needed.
Click on any listed shipping method to add the method for use. The page will refresh with the rule added. Continue to select as many shipping methods as needed.
The shipping method modification page will load in a new browser window.
To change the displayed shipping method name, type over the existing text in the field provided.
To view which items this method applies to, or to add this method to items, click on the "Item" text link located at the top of the administration page. The shipping method details for items page will load in the current window.
Heading: Each shipping rule heading specifies the status (active/inactive) and tax information (taxable/non-taxable)
Applied to Region: Specifies which shipping destinations this rule applies to.
Shipping charges: Either specifies the single charge to be applied, or displays a table of values used to calculate shipping charges.
To add a shipping rule, click on the "Add shipping rule" text link. The add shipping rule administration page will load in a new window.
To modify a shipping rule, click on the "Modify" button located beneath the rule to modify. The shipping rule modification page will load in a new browser window.
To delete a shipping rule, click on the "Delete" text link located beneath the rule.
To activate or deactivate a shipping rule, click on the "Activate" or "Deactivate" text link located beneath the rule.
Step 1.
From the top "Shipping Method" drop-down menu, select a method that this rule will apply to.
From the "Shipping is" drop-down menu, select whether or not to include tax on the rule.
To apply the rule to a specific state, select the state from the drop-down menu provided.
To create a rule that will apply a single charge to any shipment, click on the radio button next to "Flat Fee/Percentage (No Basis)". In the "Amount" field provided, type in the amount to charge. For a flat fee, type the value in currency format i.e. 3.25 for three dollars and twenty-five cents. To apply a charge based on a percentage of the order dollar amount, enter the numeric value followed by a percentage sign, such as 5%.
The modify shipping rule administration page will load in a new browser window.
Make any necessary modifications by changing any of the available fields and or options. Refer to the fields/options description on the add a shipping rule page for further details.
To change the rule from global to specific, or specific to global, click on the "Change Rule type..." text link.
To view which items this rule applies to, or to add this rule to items, click on the "Item" text link located at the top of the administration page. The shipping rule details for items page will load in the current window.
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Add a Shipping Method
Create a new user-defined shipping method or add a system-integrated shipping method.
Click on the "Ecommerce" text link located at the top of any main administration page. Click on the "Product Catalog Rules" text link. The "Discount Rules Administration" page will load in a new window. Click on the "Shipping" text link located at the top of the administration page. Click on the "Add a Shipping Method" text link.
Custom shipping methods (user-defined) can be added that are based entirely upon custom shipping rules. Shipping rules must be used to define how any shipping charges will be calculated.
System-integrated shipping methods automatically calculate associated shipping charges based on weight, shipping origin, and destination.
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Adding Custom Shipping Methods (User-defined)
Adding custom shipping methods that utilize shipping rules to calculate any shipping charges.
Enter a unique code (text or numeric) in the field provided next to "Code". The code is a required field, used only for identification purposes.
Select the starting status of the shipping method by selecting "Active" or "Inactive" from the drop-down menu provided.
When finished, click the "Add" button. The screen will refresh with all fields reset, allowing additional methods to be added.
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Adding System-integrated Shipping Methods
Adding UPS, USPS, or FedEx shipping methods which automatically calculate shipping charges.
Adding a UPS Shipping Method
Adding integrated UPS shipping methods that automatically calculate shipping charges.
Navigation: Click on the "UPS" text link located at the top of the "add a shipping method" administration page.
Select the method of pickup from the drop-down menu provided, and click on the "Update" button. This option defines how packages will be delivered or picked up by UPS.
UPS Options:
Click on any domestic or international UPS shipping method to add the method. The page will refresh with the rule added. Continue to select as many shipping methods as needed.
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Adding a USPS Shipping Method
Adding integrated USPS shipping methods that automatically calculate shipping charges.
Navigation: Click on the "USPS" text link located at the top of the "add a shipping method" administration page.
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Adding a FedEx Shipping Method
Adding integrated FedEx shipping methods that automatically calculate shipping charges.
Navigation: Click on the "FedEx" text link located at the top of the "add a shipping method" administration page.
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Modify a Shipping Method
Change the name of a custom shipping method. Delete, activate, or deactivate shipping methods. Access shipping method item and package pages.
Navigation: Click on the "Ecommerce" text link located at the top of any main administration page. Click on the "Product Catalog Rules" text link. The "Discount Rules Administration" page will load in a new window. Click on the "Shipping" text link located at the top of the administration page. Click on the "Name" of the method to modify.
To change the status of the method, select the appropriate choice from the Status drop-down menu.
Click the "Update" button to apply any changes.
To delete the method, click on the "Delete Method" text link.
To view which packages this method applies to, or to add this rule to packages, click on the "Package" text link located at the top of the administration page. The shipping method details for packages page will load in the current window.
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Shipping Rules
Add, modify or view custom shipping rules
Navigation: Click on the "Ecommerce" text link located at the top of any main administration page. Click on the "Product Catalog Rules" text link. The "Discount Rules Administration" page will load in a new window. Click on the "Shipping" text link located at the top of the administration page.
Shipping rules are used to define shipping charges for custom shipping methods. A shipping rule cannot be applied to a system-integrated shipping method.
Shipping Rule Field Descriptions
Add a Shipping Rule
Modify a Shipping Rule
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Shipping Rule Field Descriptions:
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Add a Shipping Rule
Navigation: Click on the "Ecommerce" text link located at the top of any main administration page. Click on the "Product Catalog Rules" text link. The "Discount Rules Administration" page will load in a new window. Click on the "Shipping" text link located at the top of the administration page. Click on the "Add Shipping Rule" text link. The add shipping rule administration page will load in a new browser window.
Shipping rules may only be applied to custom shipping methods. If the desired shipping method has not been created, add a custom shipping method before proceeding.
Select either "Specific" or "Global" from the "Rule Type" drop down menu.
A global rule will apply to all products shipped using the selected shipping method. Use this option to uniformly apply this rule to all shipments. A global discount will apply to all products purchased. The global shipping rule, however, will be overridden if a specific rule is used for any product in the catalog.
Step 2:
From the "Status" drop-down menu, select whether the rule will be added as "active" or "inactive".
Step 3:
To apply the rule to an entire country, select the country from the drop-down menu provided.
To apply the rule only to a specific zip code or range of zip codes enter part or all of the zip code in the field provided.
Step 4:
To create a rule that will calculate the shipping charge based on a table of values and/or a specific basis (such as unit, quantity, or weight), click on the radio button next to "Table". Specify what the rule will be based on by selecting QUANTITY, UNIT, WEIGHT, or PRICE from the drop-down menu provided.
Type the minimum value of the rule next to the "From" field in the space provided. As an example, if the shipping charge is to be applied only when a customer orders a quantity of 10 or more, enter "10" in the field. Enter the amount to charge to the right of "shipping" in the space provided. The charge can be entered as a dollar amount or a percentage (such as 10%).
To create a table of values, click the "Add Row" button. A second row identical to the first will appear. Type the second set of values in the space provided. Continue adding as many rows as needed to finish building the shipping charges table.
When finished, click the "Add Rule" button to add the rule.
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Modify a Shipping Rule
Change the details of a custom shipping rule. Access shipping method item and package pages.
Click on the "Ecommerce" text link located at the top of any main administration page. Click on the "Product Catalog Rules" text link. The "Discount Rules Administration" page will load in a new window. Click on the "Shipping" text link located at the top of the administration page. Click on the "modify" text link beneath the shipping rule to modify.
When finished with any modifications, click the "Update" button located beneath the rule details.
To delete the rule, click on the "Delete" text link located beneath the rule details.
To view which packages this rule applies to, or to add this rule to packages, click on the "Package" text link located at the top of the administration page. The shipping rule details for packages page will load in the current window.
To view which package option groups this rule applies to, or to add this rule to package option group, click on the "Option Groups" text link located at the top of the administration page. The handling rule details for option groups page will load in the current window.
10-Step Guide on Setting Up Ecommerce
Product Catalog Rules