Under the words "Add Component", click on the type of component that you want to add. The Standard type of components are:
and rich text (RTE).
The Container type of components are:
and list.
The Ecommerce type of components are:
item group
and package
The Other type of components are:
stock quote
weather forecast
search result
language translator
and calculator.
When the menu expands and you see the list of components for the component type, click on the name of the component to add that component. The Add Component window will open. Click for details about using the Add Component window, or read the next section for how to add a component to a container instead of directly onto the page:
Add a Component to a Container (i.e., from an Editing Square)
If you have container components on your Web page and if you have the Page Editor settings set to assist you (that is, you are in Advanced Mode and you have borders turned on), you will see editing squares in the top left corner of table, form, and list components:
For a table component
For a form component
For a list component
The "Create New Component" section includes an option to name your new component, and a button to create it. The options that you can set for the new component will appear when you click the "Create" button.
The "Use Existing Component" section lists all of your site's existing components of the type you are adding, plus search options to limit the list. Change the number of components listed per page by choosing a different value from the "Results per page" list. As soon as you change that list, the "Add Component" window will refresh automatically. To sort the list, click the column headings. The full list will be sorted based on the column that you select. For example, click "Last Modified" to sort the list based on when each component was last updated. Click the column heading again to sort in reverse order.
You may limit the list by entering text into the Search box and clicking the "Search" button. The list will refresh to include only the components whose names include the text that you entered. When you are adding text or rich text (RTE), components will also be listed if they contain the text you are searching for, whether it appears in the component name or not.
When deciding whether to copy or use a component, be aware that USE will update the component everywhere that it is used in your site. Click here for a more detailed explanation of copy versus use. To help you select the correct component, a "View" link is provided. It displays the component's contents in a new window. Use the buttons provided in the new window to use or copy the component, or to close the view window without selecting that component.
If you want to create a new component for the page, enter in the name of your new component, then click on the create button.
If you want to use a copy of an existing component, find the component you want to use a copy of and then click on the blue text of "Copy".
If you want to use a component on this page, find the component you want to use and then click on the blue text of "Use". When this component is modified, the changes will affect all the other uses of this component.