Page Editor

Editing Basics

Editing Navigation | Editing Basics

Editing Navigation
The Page Editor has been minimalized to reduce the amount of menus that might clutter your view of the page that you want to work with.

In the top-left corner of your Internet browser window, you will have five buttons: Page, Main, Reload, Options, and Back To Main Menu. Clicking on "Page", "Main", or "Options" will cause a menu window to appear. The "Reload" button will refresh or reload the page. The "Back To Main Menu" button will return you to the Website Editor main menu.

Next to the buttons, the Page Editor will inform you whether the page is active or disabled.

You will still be able to modify a disabled page but there will be no way to access the disabled page outside of the Administration. Once the page is enabled, the page will work normally.

In the top-right corner of your Internet browser window, you have a button to access Help which will open up the User Guide in a new window.

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Editing Basics
Copy Components
Copy Page
Add Component
Modify Component

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