Click on the "Product Catalog Management" text link to load the product catalog management page.
To add a new shipping origin, click on the "New" button located in the item section. A prompt will display asking for the name of the origin. Once a name is chosen, click ok. The origin management page will open in a new browser window.
Select the state of origin from the drop down menu, type in the zip code, and select the country. To save the changes, click on the "Update" button. After the page reloads, click on the "close window" text link.
To edit an existing origin, select the origin to edit from the drop down menu, then click on the "Edit" button. The origin management page will open in a new browser window.
To delete an existing origin, select the origin to delete from the origin drop down menu, then click the "delete" button.
To search for origins, type the origin name in the empty text field located just above the origin drop down menu and click the "Search" button. Once the page reloads, all matching origins will be available for selection in the drop down menu.
To set the origin default, select the desired origin from the drop down menu, then click the "set default" button.