Access the item management page by either creating a new item or by selecting an item to edit from the item drop down menu. The item management page will load in a new browser window. Click on the "Options" text link located at the top of the administration window.
To add a small text area to the item, activate the feature by clicking the check box next to "Text Area Option". Enter the name to display above the text area in the space provided. Click on the "Update" button to save the changes.
If necessary, more than one text area may be added. To add another text field, click on the "New Text Area Option" button, and repeat the steps above.
To create a new option, click on the "New Option" button. Once the page reloads, replace the default option name "New" with any desired name (example: "Color"). In the empty field next to "values", type in the first value (example: "Red"), and click the "Add" button. Add as many values as desired by repeating this process.
For each option created, a new option administration area is populated on the page.
To delete an existing option set, click on the "Delete" button located beneath the option Id number.
To change the order of any option set, click on the "Up" or "Down" arrow button located beneath the "Option Id" number. Repeat this process until all option sets appear exactly as they should be displayed in the product catalog.
To change the name of any option set, type over the existing name, and click the "Update" button.
To delete an existing value within an option set, highlight the value and press the "Remove" button located to the right of the value list.
To re-order any values within an option set, highlight the value to move by clicking on it from the list of values. Use the "Up" or "Down" arrow button to move the value. Repeat this process until the value list is ordered as it should be displayed in the catalog.
To change the name of any value used in an option set, delete the value, then add a new one.
Click the "Update" button to apply any changes before closing the item options window.